If anyone tells you that making money online is easy, it is not true. It is one of the toughest jobs that exist. Yet, millions of people make a lot of money online. So you shouldn’t be scared! The great thing about it is that once you get into the correct track, you will be amazed how quick things can go for you towards achievement of a better life. You can use most of the time you spend online on other things that won’t benefit you financially to make a big fortune for yourself. Please don’t get me wrong! I don’t mean that those other things aren’t good. My point is that making money online needs your time and effort badly. If you really want to share in the over $19 trillion worth of world’s internet industry, you have to be dedicated enough to commit most of your precious time and effort. It is very important to achieve financial stability in life. And there are tons of genuine ways to do it. It is very degrading to use fraudulent means to achieve financial stability. Do not think about fraudulent means! In the following discussion, we will be taking you through 20 verified ways to make money online. The discussion will give you direction and encouragement to dive into any of the ways. Now let’s go!
Engage In Email Marketing
Email is sure a personal and official, reliable and direct access route to prospects that will turn customers. To get a list, create lead magnets in the forms of checklists, templates, scripts, cheat sheet, toolkit and the likes. Lead magnets are enticing offers made to potential buyers in exchange for their email addresses and other contact information. A lead magnet that is catchy, valuable, solves specific need urgently and has a specific market target earns one quick leads. By accessing this ‘opt-in-bribe’ (another name for lead magnet), prospects make available their email addresses.
While having an eye on increasing your email list, keep your prospects attracted, served and retained. You need to build a reasonable level of trust through what you offer without charge to motivate them to remain with you when there is charge. Writers on blogs and other media can also offer technical knowledge or information, educational tips or writing samples (like proposals and business plan) and encourage readers to add their email address for more updates. Through this way, one builds one’s email list to which one can send newsletters and new offers for purchase. While email marketing pays, sending to people who didn’t request your value either directly or through signing in with their email is unprofessional. Products received through email are treated with more trust and seriousness.
Run A Blog
Blogging is one of the easier means of making money online if you are creative and foresighted. You need to think up an interesting knowledge path or area on which your blog will center. Blogs without defined and specific target contents may not attract much traffic. One can focus on an area like agriculture and feed people with news and analysis of agro-matters. This will not only attract food processors but also farmers and other agro-investors. When these people visit the blog, the owner makes money by attracting ads contracts and other information in need of wider audience reach, among others.
It takes very little to open a blog in relation to what could be made out of a blog. Smart people can create blogs by themselves with an enticing and self-explanatory domain name. A blog that is consistently populated with valuable stories and analysis will keep attracting and serving particular group of people. These people become your source of making money.
Monetize Your Facebook Page/Account
Some people pull a very large followership on Facebook with their motivational write ups, jokes, video clips, or funny graphic posts. These and many more attract people to the page with thousands of likes, comments and views. When this happens, one can make money by seeking and receiving ad contracts from companies that are in need of the kind of publicity updates on your page get. This has to be done tactically in order to sustain the followership. Some viewers and followers do not fancy adverts or anything other than the jokes and video clips the wall is known for. Hence, the ads may be inserted in-between the piece, or added as a short interlude/intermission on the video or at the end of it. Facebook pages that make funny picture write-ups can have some of the ads as part of the picture slides. Although this may not be lucrative at the start, you have chances of making some money for very little input. Instead of just being popular on Facebook and giving people value without monetary reward, resort to using their presence as a bait or attraction point for some marketers or companies that can offer advert contracts or even event planners in need of publicity for their events.
Be A Sales Affiliate/Agent
With your website, blog, page or any other online platform, you can become part of the sales affiliate programs of some product retailing companies like ClickBank, Amazon Associates, CJ Affiliate by Conversant (formerly Commission Junction), ShareaSale, eBay, Commission Factory, Avangate, Flexoffers, AffiBank etc. By promoting a product, you stand to earn certain percentage when purchase is made through your link. You stand the chance of making a lot of money if you choose good products from the stock offered by companies, and products modeled after the focus of your blog or website. Otherwise, create a pay-per click ad with a landing page to access some of these products.
You can also help sales agents or even become one by facilitating sales. You can connect product sellers to potential buyers on certain percentage commission. Real estate agents are in perpetual need of this kind of service. One who has an online platform with reasonable traffic can always assist in property sales and rentals (houses, lands, vehicles, machines, home appliances etc.). You can source products from individual sellers or from other sales agents like OLX, JUMIA, JiJi etc. Only your traffic or audience capacity can earn you both the confidence of companies in need of sales affiliate/agent and real buyers. One needs to build traffic on the chosen online platform before engaging in the business of sales agency/affiliate.
Write And Sell E-Books
This requires creativity and some technical knowledge. A serious research would fetch you the required knowledge if you don’t have it already. There is something you know how to do for which people seek your service. You can at your spare time pen down these things and how to get them done. Afraid you might be put out of work? Never mind, reading the book will make them need you more while they are happy they know something about the job. You will have made your money by selling the book and have registered your professional prowess as an authority in the field: in theory and practice. That sounds good right? A friend of mine does that. He was fortunate to win a number of essay contests as a writer. He then had to do a book on how to write award winning essays. People who have a knack for writing such find it needful. He spent nothing but the time and the energy needed to write down those ideas he already have. Nothing for the publishing really.
Today, young people tend to be more attracted to e-books than the hard copies that take up spaces in the room. What’s more, they can buy them from the comfort of their rooms. Just create a payment channel. That’s all. Write about how to create different impressions with make-ups as a make-up artiste; write about how to edit videos and photos as an editor; write about entrepreneurship and all that. Write something that would give an air of self-dependence. People desire self-teaching resources. Even a language training e-book can sell. With a captivating title, you are there! Some e-book markets like Okada Books, Amazon’s Kindle program or Apple’s iTunes Connect already exist for you.
Enter Contests
A number of contests that test your writing ability, knowledge of history or IQ capacity exist online. Some of these contests pay well. They will only require you to have that hunger for writing, history or logical reasoning. Some others may at certain level require your presence in order to ascertain your credibility. But it all starts online. Some writing contests do not require extra writings other than the piece you have written and submitted online. There are for instance, Hektoen Grand Prize Essay Contest, Writers’ Digest Annual Writing Competition, l. R. Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest, Graywolf Press Non-Fiction Prize, Real Simple’s Life Lessons Essay Contest, ESPN, Taste of Home, the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria Essay Contest etc.
You can enter your stories, poems and other creative works in some of these contests. Apart from poems and stories, creative non-fiction and long essays on topical issues can also be entered for some contests. Maybe your realistic oil paintings or pencil and charcoal drawings could fetch you some money when you have them adjudged alongside other works. Just look out for the things you know how to do and find out what contests exist for it.
Review Books And Music
You love to write and you can say something cardinal about new books and music that will make people go for them? You love reading or listening to music? Then make money out of it online by doing reviews of them and having them published in good platforms to draw attention to yourself. Everybody wants their work to sell and be known. Reviews announce new work and good reviews make people rush for the work. Reviewers make cool money online and have at their disposal without pay avalanche of books and music people pay so much to get. It may take some time before you start to make money out of it. How do you prove your worth if you have done none, unsolicited ones? Do some reviews and get them published by yourself or send them to the writer or musician whose work you reviewed. They will probably like it. I did a review of a poet’s collection. He was happy to receive it. A month later, he sent me the link to the publication on a national daily.
They will know you and what you can do and also make the review public. I did it and it worked. You can then contact some other writers and musicians and let them know the ones you have done. Not all would be willing to patronize your skill; some will, surely. You can also get yourself into some journals or media companies that are into the business. There is OnlineBookClub.org for book reviews and Slicethepie and NPR Music for music reviews. Michiko Kakutani reviewed with Times Review for many years before retiring at her 80’s. Get yourself some review work online.
Edit Books/Join Editing Groups
People write and are willing to write more. They equally need people who will help give their work some finishing touches. You can choose to do grammar editing for some works. This entails your being a wordsmith, a language expert. Good ideas are often lost in wrong language usage. Grammatical blunders can also pose distractions to readers. This is why any well-meaning writer would need their work to undergo grammatical editing. There is also content editing which entails that the editor is learned in the issue or ideas the book is on and will be able to add, remove, and review the work. Structural editing requires creative insight. One is expected to order words, phrases, ideas, sentences, parts etc. in the best way to make for a good read.
Some editing group already exist with chunks of works at their disposal. You only have to register with them, showing the kind of editing you are interested in. This certainly sounds professional. One of such editing groups is EYECOMB EDITORS. This team of editors have different interest area for editing. Some edit novels, poetry, drama, thesis, entrepreneurial books, textbooks etc. You will be expected to accept to work on only books you can meet their deadlines. So, join one of these groups and make your money right from the comfort of your room. What about you create an editing group yourself?
Create An Online Journal
This brings a lot of money to your door step. You can create an online journal focused on a particular discipline or related areas of study such as philosophy, literature, language or just social sciences. In order to make your journal be worth the money prospective contributors will pay to be published on it, you may have to get the journal indexed and registered as an impact factor journal. Academics do not joke with journals that have impact factors and are related to their discipline.
Wondering how to get the team of editors and reviewers? Never mind. You can request contributors to suggest their preferred reviewer(s). In this way, you get to know more about experts in the field who would willingly do the job as long as they are disposed: it adds to their profile. What’s more, former contributors would find it an honour to be invited to edit or review subsequent submissions. You will have to start the job yourself anyway. You can think of getting friends who you will do it with.
Believe me; your journal even if it becomes a monthly publication (which is very difficult) will not be in want of contributions. The academics want to attain professorship. All of them. So they write and publish in impact factor journals for it to count. Raising your journal to an impact factor status or even getting it index may not be such an easy task. The journal will have to achieve a level of visibility and credibility to win the faith of indexing companies. To be indexed is capital intensive really. So, it is more or less an investment, a long term one.
Surf The Internet For Money
You never knew you can make money while doing your normal internet browsing? You can be serving another person’s need while you serve yours and make money for serving the former. There isn’t any additional stress attached. Just surf the net as usual and get paid. How? Qmee.com and Swagbuck offer this unique opportunity. Some sponsored result will come alongside the result of your personal search. This happens with your installing an add-on app to your search engine. While you search on Google, Yahoo or Bing, you are automatically generating results for this sponsored body. You are paid the moment you deliver a result to this body. This sounds silly right? The time you spend surfing the net cannot be spared by some highly busy firms that need certain answers that the internet can assist in. They will then pay you less than what would be good enough for fully employed personnel for that purpose. You will better appreciate this pay because you are not doing it as a job. You are only using a stone to kill two birds as a translated Igbo adage goes. You solve another’s problem while solving your own. You get paid for seemingly using the internet for your own end.
Generate Content For Blogs/Websites
Websites and blogs especially new ones need their sites populated. They want people to visit the site. So, they make available things that these visitors will be entertained with. People are rewarded in cash for assisting in meeting this need. You can generate contents related to the focus of the blog or website. For instance, a relationship blog would want content on relationship, dating, marriage, proposing, sex, love, fidelity and faithfulness, heartbreaks. The content’s appeal lies in the creativity it is imbued with. So, we can say that this opportunity is only opened to people who love writing, and can produce piece on any given topic. Sometimes you are given topics and other times you are expected to come up with topics on your own.
Raadaa.com is one of such websites that is in constant need of content. Other digital news platforms or media also appreciate content that will fill their various categories: sports, fashion, education, motivational etc. The like of agronewsng.com prefers content that is analytical. If you can analyse agro information and give the possible conclusions that will tickle the fancy of those in the sector and other concerned people, then, try the site. You can get paid for such content and possibly get a permanent contract to write for them.
Be A Website/App Reviewer
UserTesting.com is one of those sites that will appreciate you with cash for reviewing websites. If you are good at going through websites and browsing through all the menu and drop pages, then you can register with the above named company. They will send you all kinds of websites for review. Very little amount of money is made from this but it also takes very little time. So, the more websites you review well, the more money you make. Build trust and register your competence at every opportunity to review sites or apps. Don’t do it just for the money. Give value.
Attend To Professional Questions
Some websites accept professionals who can answer some professional or technical questions. If you are well versed in some profession or discipline, you can make money by answering questions related to your discipline in a professional and satisfactory way. Get yourself registered with such websites like LivePerson or JustAnswer. They pay you for answers you provide to their leads. The way you answer questions could sell you as an expert in a particular field. You could then be invited for seminars, symposium or conferences where you do a live presentation and answer questions. At this point, your host will have to agree to your terms to have you at their event. The intellectual service you offer online can go as far as connecting you to well-meaning companies that may want to maximize your knowledge for the advancement of what they do.
You can pay attention to the direction of questions you receive and the answers you give and make up a book, possibly an e-book on those, questions and answers. You may never have this idea or the motivation to write this book if you don’t answer professional questions. Many scholars owe some of their books and the ideas in them to their students: their questions and the interactions in the classroom and beyond.
Be An Online Coach
You can offer suggestions or coaches on how to apply make-ups, how to cook certain foods etc. Many young people do not know how to prepare certain meals they would like to cook. They may find physical training shameful or time-consuming. They would rather resort to online training in order to acquire these skills. You can also come up with coaches in creative and artistic ways of tying scarfs or making fanciful handbags to match outfit colour for the day. One of my lady friends paid some money to register with a website that coaches in manicure, pedicure and general beauty arts.
Different people are in need of different knowledge. You can choose to coach people on your local language or another language you are competent in. People who migrate to the place these languages are spoken may need to get a chunk of expressions with which they can survive and succeed in these places. My friend paid handsomely to a fellow who coached him in German language before he left for his graduate studies in Germany. Expatriates may be interested in your local language. Advertise your coaching ability in these things and serve your clients for handsome cash rewards.
Sell Photos/Graphic Designs/Artworks Online
Hey, are you a photo freak? Do you have eye for impressions and angles? Then get these shots that wow the mind and sell them to people who appreciate it. Some shots leave one gazing. Such images of night fall or dawn and all those you know better than I do as a photographer, can earn you some cash if marketed on the right platform. Beautiful graphic designs also attract creative and imaginative minds. The two big niche markets for photos online, Shutterstock and iStockPhoto are available for you to market them. Etsy is also for the sales of artworks.
You may need to get some required knowledge on how best to package and sell your photos. Maybe getting them branded and licensed would help too. Your photos will not sell if they do not catch the eye, if they do not leave lasting impression whose memory will haunt the viewer until he possesses them.
Build And Sell Websites
You have the skills to build websites? Ah! You have been waiting for requests before you build a website? Now, be in the know of what’s up. You can build sites you are not going to use, and sell them. You can introduce some young companies, groups, churches to the websites and how it can serve their online needs. Sell the website to them and make your money. There are also online markets for selling websites ready for use. Flippa and Fivver are good markets for any service at all including websites. Building a website surely requires technical skill. If you can’t pick the skill and build it yourself, then partner with someone who can or just pay the fellow for building it and sell at a higher cost. That’s cool, huh?
Start A YouTube Channel
Starting a Youtube channel is a possible source of cool money. If you are good at making short videos of anything: comedy, inspirational, topical issue discussion etc., create a Youtube channel and refer viewers to it. Make constant uploads of movies that are interesting or just short video of say, funny fight between two women or two chicks or some animals mating or a lizard after a prey and see how much viewers it will attract. Mind you, billions of people use Youtube on daily basis. Make effort to share your videos on Whatsapp groups, Facebook and other social media platforms.
Do Copywriting
Do you have what it takes to write? Are you creative in your writing? Can your creativity be persuasive enough to earn your client customers? Ok. Here is a job for you. Do copywriting for companies, for their products and services. Mind you, the language of copywriting is neither forceful nor blatant. It has to persuade while not bearing any air of insincerity, exaggeration or desperation. This is why copywriting pays well. It is not mere rhetoric. It should be able to drive people to do things they would not ordinarily do, such as going for a product or services available in a company and forfeiting the product or service provider they previously patronized.
So, far, you should have seen that copywriting is particularly for advertising, marketing or promotion. When you must have discussed with a producer, do samples of copywriting on a product and send. Five out of every ten you send may respond favourable and possibly engage you for the job. Give it a try if you are a language engineer, a verbal logistician.
Create Or Join An eCommerce Platform
A couple of eCommere store exist for buying and selling. Jumia and Konga have opportunities for people who want to sell on their platforms. When you successfully get a buyer to make a purchase of any of the products on Jumia or Konga, you have a commission from the sales. Some of the policies are your choice such as pay on delivery, and pricing. So get registered and sell your products there. Jumia can allow you to have your own store. You can also create your own ecommerce platform with your own goods. This will however require your building a website, getting lead magnets, payment channels etc. A lot of Facebook and Email marketing will be necessary too. If you are interested in this, get a little training on how to get a domain name, hosting plans, WordPress eCommerce theme and the plugin.
Fill In Online Surveys
At your spare time, you can make money by filling in some online surveys. Many companies who are into researches of different kind need people who can answer some questionnaires and help them arrive at a quantitative data for analysis. The little time you give to filling this form, you can make some money. The more forms you fill appropriately, the more money you make. These companies take your opinions seriously that is why they don’t mind paying you to give them those pieces of information they need. So, be sincere and accurate when you fill them. You can consider doing this with: The Opinion Panel, Valued Opinions, Toluna, New Vista, Mind Mover, Branded Surveys, SurveyBods, etc.
Now that you have read through these ways, what remains is for you to know where your skills and potentials can be applied to. Make up your mind and give any way you choose a shot. You could have sleepless nights like us but at the end of the day, you will have cause to smile. Making money online boils down to identifying a problem online and proffering a solution. When you have traffic, that is when the money comes. If in the course of trying any of the ways you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at inquiry@bignedu.com. We will be glad to help as much as we can.