Do you know the wordings of the lyrics? All sources do not seem to get the middle part of the lyrics right. Listen to the track on the video clip below and compare the singing with the lyrics presented right below. I have tried to figure out what Bob says, especially, at the middle part of the track.
Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-hm! Ooh-oo-oo-oo-er. Mm-mm-mm.
Jah would never give the power to a baldhead
Run come crucify the Dread.
Time alone – oh, time will tell:
Think you’re in heaven, but ya living in hell;
Think you’re in heaven, but ya living in hell;
Think you’re in heaven, but ya living in hell.
Time alone – oh, time will tell:
Ya think you’re in heaven, but ya living in hell.
Back them out; oh, not the brothers,
But the ones who set them up.
Time alone – oh, time will tell:
Think you’re in heaven, but ya living in hell;
Think you’re in heaven, but ya living in hell;
Think you’re in heaven, but ya living in hell.
Time alone – oh, time will tell:
Ya think you’re in heaven, but ya living in hell.
Mm-mm. Mm-mm.
Old man quit the matter at role
Old man to the ground
Old man think a ma cryin’.
Oh, children, weep no more!
Old man sycamore tree, saw the free country.
Saw the oh sacred dull scroll
Oh, children, weep no more;
Weep no more: children, weep no more!
Jah would never give the power to a baldhead
Run come crucify the Dread.
Time alone – oh, time will tell:
Think you’re in heaven, but ya living in hell;
Think you’re in heaven, but ya living in hell;
Think you’re in heaven, but ya living in hell.
Time alone – oh, time will tell:
Think you’re in heaven, but ya living in hell.
What do you think about the lyrics? The wordings of the track are very difficult for most people to understand. If you think the lyrics presented above is not correct, please contact us. Do find time to browse through other pages of our website. The information in them might interest and help you. Thank you for visiting.