Forms, Uses, Risks And Legality
Cannabis is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant used for medical, religious, cultural or recreational purposes. It goes by numerous names such as marijuana, weed, pot, dope or grass among others. The main psychoactive content of this herb is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). There are about 483 other compounds contained in cannabis and about 65 cannabinoids, all of which have been confirmed. The users of cannabis take it through smoking, vaporizing, mixing with food, chewing or extracting it to be added in drinks (like tea and beverages). The use of cannabis is motivated by the desire to get ‘high’, for some momentary euphoric experience that begins few minutes after taking and lasts for, at the most, six hours. Cannabis is also used by some women especially in Nigeria for growing hair; speculations abound however on its health hazard to the brain. The cultivation, possession, use, and sale of cannabis is illegal and criminal in many countries of the world. This is why it is rated as the most commonly used illegal drug in the world. In Central and South Asia, where it is believed to have been used first, it was used for fabric and rope; this is around the Neolithic age. So it is.
There are four species of this plant. The first, Cannabis sativa, which is called marijuana, has psychoactive properties. The other one is Cannabis sativa L. (The L is in honour of the discoverer botanist Carl Linnaeus.). This subspecie is also known as hemp. It is a nonpsychoactive form of cannabis, and is used in making oil, cloth, fuel, etc. The third specie which is also a psychoactive specie of the plant is Cannabis indica. It was pinpointed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck the French naturalist. The fourth one which is uncommon and psychoactive as well is Cannabis ruderalis. A Russian botanist, D.E. Janischevisky who probably discovered this specie named it in 1924.

Origin Of Cannabis
Cannabis is said to have been used by man either for its psychoactive content or for other usages as early as the 3rd millennium BC. It is considered one of the oldest plants purposely cultivated by man. There is however no exact or widely acceptable origin account of cannabis. For some people, its first appearance was in such hidden spots like the valleys of Tian Shan, Altai or Hindu Kush. The steppes of Mongolia are also mentioned as its birthplace. The implication is that Asia remains the probably origin place of cannabis as archeologists have also found evidence of it’s cultivation in this continent around 12,000 BC. It is said that they used the stalks which is fibrous to make ropes, paper, shoes, sails and other things they could weave it into. Through contacts with other nations, the weed spread to other parts of the world.
The Chinese in particular have tracks of record of cultivation and use of cannabis. They used it as sedative during surgery. According to a notable researcher on the herb, Warf, the herb was found in kurgan burial mounds in Siberia although already burnt. Korea and India were also among the earlier users of the herb. In India for instance, it was not only used but also celebrated. Little wonder cannabis is mentioned in ‘Science of Charms,’ an ancient Sanskrit Vedic poem, as one of the five kingdoms of herbs that releases one from anxiety.
From Asia cannabis moved to Europe through the nomadic Scythians who are also believed to have brought it to Russia and Ukraine. Eventually, it continues to enter other parts of the world including Africa and America.
Forms Of Cannabis
Whereas some consider cannabis one and the same thing, it exists not just in varying species but in several forms.
Marijuana or marihuana (herbal cannabis) is the dried flowers, leaves and stems of the plant mixed together. Other preparations of cannabis are gotten from this mixture.
Kief is powdery and is sifted from the dried flower, stem and leaves. It can either be taken in that form or made into a cake called hashish. ‘Kif’ is an Arabic word from which this name is gotten and it means pleasure. This name can be easily be reconciled with the motivation for taking it in recreational contexts.
Hashish (also spelt hasheesh, hashisha, or hash) is the ball-like cake marijuana can be made into. It can be in different colours depending on the variety of the herb used and the purity of the process. It can be consumed orally or smoked or vaporized.
Skunk is another form which refers to a cross-breed of two different species usually the two main psychoactive species, cannabis sativa and cannabis indica.
Uses Of Cannabis
- Religious/Spiritual/ Entheogenic Use Of Cannabis
Cannabis is regarded as a sacred edible in some religious groups. In India, cannabis is used in Tantric religious yoga sex acts. Bhang as it is called there is taken after having invoked the goddess Kali. By taking it, the person is expecting to get his spirit, mind and body together for the yoga and sexual bouts.
Charas is a peculiar preparation of cannabis which has the same status in religious circle as wine among the Christians who believe in the Eucharist. They have the same religious importance and significance. In the course of the prayer called Puja, the Hindu religious men smoke it. Fakirs who often walk on hot coals and sleep on beds full of nails use chara as a source of inspiration and closer communion with God. Holi is another festival where cannabis is taking customarily. The Rastafarians of Jamaica also regard cannabis as a sacrament. More on Rastafarianism and the use of cannabis will come hereafter.
- Cultural Uses Of Cannabis
Beyond religious uses of cannabis, some societies have attached some cultural and traditional significance to the herb. The recreational consumption of this herb is beyond personal choice and promptings in some area: for some, it is imperative as it seems to be a marker of belongingness.
The Indians have a god (Siva) who is also regarded as ‘the Lord of Bhang.’ Bhang, we have told you, is a drink that contains cannabis leaves and other things. Bhang is to India what alcohol is to some others around the world. Among members of the Brahmin caste, cannabis was accepted for social use in order to help achieve the meditative spiritual life they work towards. It is said that as recent as in the 1940’s bhang was an integral part of social activities and in the home. At occasions like a wedding, it was said that a father must bring bhang to the ceremonies to so as to drive away evil spirits and scare them away from the new couple. Bhang also was used as a sign of welcome. To fail to present a cup of bhang to visitors means that you do not welcome them or that you are miserly.
Although the plant is not indigenous to Africa, it is found as part of the culture of some jurisdictions in the continent. The King of a tribe called the Kafirs, in the Cape of Good Hope, offered people cannabis through beverages that resembles the bhang in India. The chief’s guests were usually offered the intoxicating drink to make them lack judgment capacity over the royal meal.
In North Africa, some homes, it is said, actually have kif rooms, (kif is the name used for cannabis in most parts of North Africa) where family groups gather to sing, dance, and tell stories about their people and traditions while drawing from the hemppipes.
Hemp smokers came together to form a religious cult called bashilenge. The members were also hemp farmers. Members are expected to show their devotion to the cult by frequently smoking, just like Christians try to involve in the Holy Communion. They believed that hemp has the magical potency to deal with evil. They also went to war with hemp. The hemppipe became a powerful symbol among these cult members. They cannot go for holidays, picnic or engage in trade agreement or peace treaty without the pipe even when it may not be smoked.
In some areas, accused persons are made to smoke the herb until the person either admitted the crime or slid into unconsciousness. Where adultery is the case, the accused when convicted is made to smoke as much hemp as they judged right depending on the social status of the person whose spouse was involved. Where the man whose wife was involved is wealthy and influential, the adulterer man is made to smoke himself to unconsciousness.
Several other tribes such as the Zulu and the Sothos were known to smoke cannabis prior to going to war. It is believed that the men of these tribes can achieve great feats when high with the herb.
Jamaica is known for the use of ganja. In his adaptation of Shakespeare’s Tempest as Sycorax, Esiaba Irobi emphasized the cultural and spiritual value of this herb to the Jamaicans. Young boys from lower class families are exposed to ganja smoking very early in life. For the Jamaicans, ganja is good for the health and gives some immunity to illness. They also used it for the treatment of upper respiratory infections, asthma, intestinal problems, glaucoma, gonorrhea, wasting due to malnutrition, and infant diarrhea, endemic fevers, discomfort of teething, and skin burns and abrasions etc. they youngsters who are introduced to ganja early in life are expected to have a vision of a dancing figure which would be interpreted as a positive initiation. In the absence of this vision, which is more or less a decision of the audience at such events, the initiate is cajoled for having light brain.
The Rastafarian cult, unique to Jamaica, though with adherents/ admirers around the world is a movement known for their reverence for ganja. The members believe that Haile Selasssie, Emperor of Ethiopia, is the Black Messiah who was in human form for the salvation of the black race from the hands of the white imperialists. For the adherents, Ethiopia is the Promised Land for the blacks. Rastafarians are usually ganja farmers. They needed to have it in abundance since it is as good as a sacrament to them. They use a number of bible verses to defend their belief in and use of ganja.
Women in Jamaica also enjoy toking on ganja for various reasons ranging from recreational, therapeutic, to religious. A number of Jamaican women believe that ganja smoking helps them in doing their duties as mothers. Ganja also helped the pregnant women to continue their normal activities which otherwise would be difficult for them because of pregnancy. It also solves the problems associated with pregnancy such as loss of appetite, nausea, and fatigue. This seems to be a special case of adaptation and resort.
- Medical Use Of Cannabis
Marijuana is used for medical purposes, and is even recommended by physicians in certain situations either in their raw form or some drugs containing cannabinoid. This is however legal in very few number of countries, as others still consider it harmful and of no good fortune to users for any reason. Apart from this kind of use with a recommendation by a physician, cannabis is also used in native contexts for its medicinal value.
The Indians threw marijuana stem into the fire to drive away evil spirits. A legendary Indian Physician, Sushruta, is believed to have used hemp to handle cases of congestion, diarrhoea and fevers. Stories were also about on the cannabis plant’s therapeutic uses in treatment of other things including cramps, headaches, bronchitis, diabetes, toothaches and anaesthetic.
The plant was used as a cure for snake bite in Hottentot; to help women during childbirth in Sotho; and as a palliative for anthrax, malaria, blood poisoning, and dysentery among Africans of Rhodesia. It was also known for relieving the symptoms of asthma. These reports are however in want of scientific evidence.
In Rio de Janeiro, often, cannabis was used for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. Rheumatism, menstrual pains, colic and other common complaints such as toothaches are some of the ailments they applied it for cure.
Scientifically, it has been observed that cannabis contains active ingredients called cannabinoids. The drug called Sativex has tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) as major inredients in the composition. The drug is usually recommended for relief of muscle pull/ spasm. Nabilone is another that contà ins cannabinoid and is recommended for people undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.
Medical marijuana is equally used as a pain relief, to treat nausea, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, low appetite, sleep problems, autism, epilepsy (seizure disorders), and other conditions. The effectiveness of this is dependent on individual experience and body make.
It is also said to be beneficial in emotional and mood regulation, vascular health, immune function, digestive function and neuroplasticity. Some studies reveal that the endocannabinoid system suggests benefits may include neuroprotection.
Medical CBD is used as an anti- inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antioxidant, neuroprotective, and anxiolytic, antipsychotic, and anti-emetic. In Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease, fetal hypoxia, and other neurodegenerative conditions and movement disorders, the CBD compound in marijuana appears to be neuroprotective.
Marijuana is still being investigated to ascertain its potency in dealing with such conditions as cancer pain, the eye disease glaucoma, and appetite loss in people with HIV or AIDS, and epilepsy in children.
There is only little recorded side effect of marijuana in medical context when taken in appropriate dosage. These side effects are dry mouth and fatigue. When consumed in more dosage, side effects may extend to dizziness, paranoia, and psychoactive effects including mood changes and hallucinations.
Risks In The Use Of Cannabis
- Health Risks Of Cannabis
Although the herb has some medicinal value, it is criminalized in many countries because of its potential health risks. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, there were 455,000 emergency visits to hospitals for cases associated with cannabis use in 2011.
From experience and researches, the health risks of cannabis intake especially for recreational purposes are as follow: trouble thinking and remembering, bloodshot eyes, dry mouth, increased appetite, fast heart rate, slowed coordination, memory loss, random thoughts, unsteady walk, anxiety, depression, fast heart rate, increased risk of heart attack (especially about the time of smoking), suicidal thoughts in teens, etc.
Marijuana smoke is also filled with many of the same chemicals as are in tobacco smoke which are known to cause cancer. Such chemicals include ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and formaldehyde. Users run the risk of contracting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) when they mix marijuana with tobacco, which is often the case, for heightened ‘highness’.
People who smoke pot also show signs of damage in their lungs. Such changes in the lungs that portend cancer like bronchitis (an inflammation or irritation of the lining of the lungs) have also been noticed in smokers especially those that smoke cigarettes as well.
People who smoke it regularly are more likely to have schizophrenia, especially when it is already recorded in the family lineage.
The experimental research with animals reveals that cannabis tampers with the process of sperm production and ovulation. Use of cannabis during pregnancy may expose the baby to poor brain development, thwarted growth in the womb and premature birth.
Heart diseases and stroke are possible to be diagnosed in chain smokers of marijuana.
Cannabis is believed to worsen the uncommon cases of arthritis which is so serious that it can result in amputation.
- Safety Risk In The Use Of Cannabis
While cannabis has its health risks, it has also the potency to expose one to other safety risks which may still in the long run affect one’s health in one way or the other.
Cannabis intake can make it impossible for one to drive safely and operate certain machines steadily. This results from its capacity to affect your coordination, reaction speed, attentiveness, decision-making abilities, ability to judge distances etc. Because of this, a smoker runs the risk of fall or swerving off the road when driving. Hence smoking and driving or skiing or biking is as risky as doing any of these when drunk.
One may be charged and prosecuted for getting marijuana from illegal sources or using it in countries it is illegal. Exposure to criminal groups is also possible when one is addicted to it.
No smoker is guaranteed of purity or safety of cannabis. Anything could be mixed with the weed. The hygiene level is low or uncertain.
Marijuana is addictive and it is believed that one who is addicted to it has the tendency to abuse other drugs either as substitute or for increased effect on their body.
Constant use of marijuana can alter an individual’s interest in life and make them lack the motivation to engage in normal day to day activities. The younger ones may find school boring whie the grownups may find no desire for work.
You may also run the risk of alienation because it is not always accepted among most social groups, and anyone who smokes it may be discriminated against, no matter how unfair this actually is.
Legal Status Of Cannabis
Marijuana as we have noted is found almost everywhere in the world. However, because of its potential harmfulness to the smokers and other users as well as to society at large, some jurisdictions consider it illegal in terms of recreational use, medicinal use and cultivation. In some countries, the herb is allowed or put precisely, legally cultivated and used.
Some of the countries where it is legal or decriminalized as the case may be, to cultivate, to use both for recreational and medical purposes include; Uruguay, Jamaica, Germany, Mexico, Finland, Denmark, Portugal, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Slovenia, Netherlands, Malta, and Canada and Israel which have been announced to legalize it by October 2018 and April 2019 respectively. In some of these countries, you need a license to cultivate marijuana.
For recreational use, marijuana is decriminalized in certain grams or entirely in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech republic, Ecuador, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, India (in some states), Italy (especially for religious usage), Luxembourg, Moldova, Paraguay, Peru, Russia, Switzerland, and Ukraine. Other countries consider the use of marijuana for recreational purposes criminal. In some countries, however, it is poorly or not even enforced. Such countries are Bangladesh, Cambodia, Egypt, Iran, Loas, Lesotho, Morocco, Myanmar, Vietnam, Pakistan, Poland, and Thailand.
The herb has been legalized for medical use in some countries like Zimbabwe, some states in the US, UK, from autumn of 2018, Turkey, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, San Marino, Romania, Poland, Peru, Norway, New Zealand, Macedonia, Luxembourg, Italy, Greece, Georgia, France, Cyprus, Croatia, Argentina, Australia. Some of these countries notably frown at the personal/ recreational use of the herb.
In the case of cultivation some countries allow it while some others who may have welcomed medical and even recreational usages do not permit it lawfully. Some of the countries allow very limited quantity or number of plants. Australia, Austria, India, Zambia (with license from health minister), Belgium, Brazil, Costa Rico, Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine, Myanmar decriminalized it.
While these may not capture the exact reality in the countries, we believe we can form discreetness in dealing with marijuana in these places with the information herein. Of course, within the countries, the herb which is illegal may still be found. In Nigeria for instance, cultivation, medical and recreational use are illegal but it is not only cultivated but also sold secretly in the country. Some states in Nigeria are notorious for the cultivation of this herb.
There continues to be adjustments on the legal status of marijuana in several jurisdictions and that makes, the debates over legalization of and legalized marijuana to continue too. For some, marijuana should be accorded the same legal status as alcohol while others are strongly insistent on criminalizing it on the grounds that it has more far reaching and dangerous effects. Research shows that frequent intake of marijuana comes with it a lasting problem. It is because of this risk that some countries have refused it legal backing either for medical use or for recreational purpose.
In conclusion, choice is the greatest of laws. Even with the much flouted medicinal value and legalization, some persons would still not choose to use cannabis; in the same vein, some will defy the legislation against it and the said risks to its use as much as they can afford. This article was aimed at making available as much information on marijuana as possible without actually making any attempt to impress our opinion, even if we have any, on anybody. We hope the information will be useful to you.
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