Before we dive into the basic keys, let us clear some ground. Please, follow us along. You are probably here because you are searching for information on how to gain financial freedom. The freedom can only be achieved when you know how to make more money. One way to make more money is to get information. It is our desire to support you as you work toward financial freedom by providing you with helpful information. When you make more money, you walk towards financial freedom. Now, let us try and answer a question. What is financial freedom? Of the truth, the question is relative. From economics point of view, human being has many wants but has limited resources. If we go by this assertion from economics, nobody is financially free. So, by our own definition, financial freedom means having enough money to enjoy the necessities of life which include – house, food, clothing, giving aid, mobility and entertainment. Going to the moon, or anything like that, is not a necessity of life. You need to establish a boundary before you can be financially free. Having all the money on earth is not financial freedom. If you have all the money on earth but do not have a boundary, you will never be financially free – when money increases, commitment increases. Haven said these, you have to have money to be financially free. Do not be confused. Try to understand the explanation.
As we present to you the basic keys to financial freedom, we will expose you to many ways to make more money. If you want to make more money, ask yourself – what do I know how to do? Do not say you do not know how to do anything. Okay? Everybody is made to know how to do something. It is possible you know how to do many things. I guess you know that you can make great wealth from virtually anything, I said anything, you know how to do. The global market accessible through the internet guarantees this. If you know how to do many things, concentrate on those that you know how to do best. Then make up your mind to give the time it takes. Every dream requires a time period to materialize. The time period could be one day, one week or even a couple of years. If you are on the right track, it should not be more than a couple of years. This is where patience comes in. There is this saying that Rome was not built in a day. Making more money is not different! The problem is that most times, we spend a lot of time on things that will not bring us close to making more money. If we begin to use our time well and pay attention to the things we know how to do, for sure, more money will come. We must stress that it is not enough to know how to do something and give the time it takes. It is even more important that you make good name in the thing you know how to do. Good name, they say, is better than money! If you go about cursing and hurting people as you do the things you know how to do, in a short while, everybody will back out and you will be on your own. You should train yourself to have good manners and right conduct.
Laying a financial foundation is the hardest part of managing money. You have to start from somewhere! You have to be doing something in order to make an income. Otherwise, you will never achieve financial freedom. It is like counting 1, 2, 3. As long as you are no longer a toddler, you must count 1 before you count 2. If you are a student or an apprentice, you are already doing something and that is a good starting point. Now somewhere, it is easier to be on course and make right decisions. When you are on course and in the right direction, if you keep doing the right thing, you will be working toward financial stability and freedom. Prepare to land your dream job if you are looking for job. When you start to make income, set goals and create savings to realize those goals. There are many ways to make more money. For the most part, what makes someone rich is how much they are able to save and or invest but not generally how much income they make. You might have heard that some people who won jackpot later became poor. Did that surprise you? It should not! It happened and happens. If you can assimilate what has been said so far, you are more than 60% closer to achieving financial freedom.
Achieving financial freedom is based on the following 4 basic keys:
Monitor Expenses
How much do you worth? Let your expenses depend on your income. There is this old saying that one should cut ones coat according to ones size. The saying has not expired; it is valid forever. Take a critical look at your expenses and cut off those that are not really required. You can cut off the expenses one after the other. You are a different person and should not have the same spending style as your friends or as another person, by the way.
Make Savings
When you succeed in cutting off some expenses, the end result will be savings. Map out a bulk amount of money and save in a certain type of account. It does not matter how much it is; it can be 500, 1000 or more bucks. You want to embark on a disciplinary journey of making savings. Set a time period for yourself, say weekly or monthly, and make sure you keep putting a certain amount of money in the account. If you have a spouse, you must have had a discussion together and agreed on your financial goals. What is of utmost importance is steadiness in making the savings and not the amount you put in each time period.
Clear Any Debts
If there is an outstanding debt, your priority will be to clear it. No one is free until they pay off their debt. Map out a plan to clear your debt as quickly as possible. Otherwise, your wallet will be swelled up like the proverbial big balloon that goes up into the air at the slightest wind. Why defer or delay? If you owe, you owe. You cannot run away from it. If you could have run away, you should have started from avoiding the debt. But once you owe, it helps greatly to clear it as quickly as possible. To clear the debt, start from the smallest amount and proceed to the biggest. Do not over burden yourself trying to pay all debts at the same time. But if you can pay all at the same time without risking begging for food or other basic necessities, go ahead and pay all.
Maintain The Dignity Of Human Existence
The target is to achieve financial freedom so that you can live sustainably and with fulfillment. The question will be at what expense is it reasonable to achieve that? You should not look for financial freedom at the expense of your freedom of existence. It would not be good to trample on everybody around you either, just because you want to achieve financial freedom. There is no dignity in that! There are uncountable number of genuine ways to make money and still maintain your dignity. You only have to put your knowledge and brain to task. Many people have done it. You can do it. Yes, you can!